Managed by The Tomorrow Project, an industry-funded organisation led by its Board of Directors, we aim to tackle New Zealand’s problem drinkers through evidenced-based, targeted interventions that address the real reasons behind problem drinking.
Social change takes time. We believe an integrated, inclusive approach will reach more New Zealanders, create deeper levels of engagement and bring about positive change.
As an evidence-based organisation, we rely on independent research and clinical advice to inform our approaches. The information supporting our campaigns, education materials and tools has been gathered from authoritative studies and knowledge gained through consultation with experts in the fields of public health, neuroscience, epidemiology, and child and adolescent psychology. We utilise a wide range of external health/medical and social research to help inform our direction and whether our campaigns are reaching people.
Partnerships ensure that the resources, understanding and support of interested parties are brought to the fight. Partnerships enhance reach and minimise mixed messages. We believe that multiple agencies and organisations have a shared interest in the outcome. We will work openly and positively with all.
Robert Brewer
Spirits NZ
Sarah Wilson
New Zealand Winegrowers
Dylan Firth (Chair)
Brewers Association of New Zealand